Executive Coaching
In addition to assisting school districts with executive searches, NESDEC also offers
Executive Coaching Services to assist districts in cultivating the skills and talents of
their leaders and leadership teams. NESDEC's Executive Coaching Service is a high-quality
program designed to enable school districts to provide ongoing professional development
tailored to the needs of beginning as well as experienced leaders. NESDEC's Executive
Coaching includes:
- choice of specially trained coaches
- alignment of coaching with district goals
- a personalized Executive Development Plan
- timeline with developmental milestones
- on-site guidance
- continuing communication via telephone and email
- long-term support through NESDEC's exclusive Executive Development Network
CONTACT NESDEC: For more information about our services or for a cost proposal, please contact the NESDEC office at 508.481.9444 or nesdec@nesdec.org.